CHUKA BEACH PILIBHIT TIGER RESERVES AREA | ONLINE BOOKING| TICKET PRICE टाइगर रिजर्व महोफ रेंज के इको टूरिज्म स्पॉट को नाम दिया गया है चूका बीच। पीलीभीत वन विभाग द्वारा 74 वर्ग किलो मीटर क्षेत्र में शारदा नदी और मुख्य शारदा कैनाल के बीच, शारदा सागर के किनारे, एक पर्यटन केंद्र का विकास किया गया है। यह पूरा इलाका 'बीच' जैसा दिखाई पड़ता है इसलिए इसे 'चूका बीच' कहते हैं। Uttar Pradesh had a beach and being a quite, non-touristy spot, it has been in the hiding. We’re talking about the Chuka beach which is located in the PILIBHIT tiger reserve area between the Sharda canal and the Sharda sagar dam.So, Budget Indian Traveler brings you all the details of this hidden beach in Uttar Pradesh Pilibhit is one district which has a lot to offer to its visitors. People from different parts of the country and even outside it visit the district for its beautiful ambience, peace and presence of various religious Pilibhit tiger Reserves Area Chuka forest are situated on the bank...